Improving on the UCB1 multi-armed bandit algorithm

I propose a new algorithm for multi-armed bandits that is fully deterministic, as fast and simple to implement as UCB1, and yet, for a very broad range of practical circumstances empirically outperforms many of the existing industry standard Bernoulli multi-armed bandit policies, including Thompson Sampling and UCB1 and UCB-tuned.

Cumulative Regret for various multi-armed bandit policies.
Figure 1. This comparison of various bandit policies shows that if the underlying probabilities for the $k=5$ arms are drawn from a beta distribution $B(8,8)$, then the cumulative regret curve (smaller is better) for our new algorithm (as described in section 2.5) outperforms UCB1, UCB-tuned, Perturbed History Exploration (PHE), and Thompson Sampling for almost all $t<10^4$.


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